Field Guide to Leadership and Supervision in Business
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There has been a recent explosion of books about new concepts in leadership and supervision, such as "New Millennium" leadership and "New Paradigm" leadership. In our experience over the years, leaders and supervisors rarely struggle because they don't understand such advanced concepts. Rather, they struggle because they haven't mastered the fundamentals, those most critical, basic structures and processes of leadership and supervision in their organizations. This guide will help you to master those fundamentals.
There is an adage that states that, in systems such as organizations, "structures determine behaviors that determine events". Too often, we focus only on the events and the behaviors and we fail to see the larger structures, so our efforts to develop more effective leadership often fail. Too many leadership development programs focus primarily on assessing leadership styles and then cultivating personal development -- they forget that, for leadership to really be effective, the organization has to have the structures in place to really support effective leadership in the first place. This guide shows you how to implement those structures in your organization.
The guide is one of the few that takes a solid, plan-based, systems-based view of leadership and supervision. It helps organizations to ensure a smooth transition to a professionally managed organization.
This is a clear, concise and comprehensive guidebook written by the author of one of the world's largest on-line libraries for managers, leaders and supervisors, the Free Management Library(sm).
Our Leadership and Supervision Consultation and Training
- We provide leadership and supervision development services, including customizing the process to suit the nature and needs of your organization. To obtain our services, please contact us.
- We also provide a training session, Nuts and Bolts to Leadership and Supervision. That training can be customized to suit your organization, as well.
Order Your "Field Guide to Leadership and Supervision in Business"
- Before you buy your next one-shot, management training session, consider getting copies of this guide for each of your managers, leaders and supervisors. One-shot training sessions rarely build skills in management. Instead, skills in management are built by ongoing reference to, and ongoing practice of, useful tools and resources. This is your guide to those useful tools and resources!
- Save $1,000's on management training by making this your company's resource guide.
Author: McNamara, Carter
Copyright: 2010
Publisher: Authenticity Consulting, LLC