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Authenticity Circles Program Developer's Guide

Authenticity Circles Program Developer's Guide

Regular price $26.00 Sale

Step-by-Step Guide to Developing Peer Coaching Group Programs

The guide provides step-by-step guidelines to design, build, manage and troubleshoot an Action Learning-based, peer coaching group program for almost any application. Note that the program developer might be an organization or a consultant. Topics include:

  • Overview of personal and professional coaching, and peer coaching groups
  • Working with Human Resources to design a program for employees
  • Working with intact teams (when all group members are from the same organization)
  • Integrating your favorite coaching model to provide groups for your clients
  • Using a peer coaching group to design the program
  • Program confidentiality
  • All considerations to design every aspect of your program
  • Customizing programs for networking, training, problem solving and support
  • Customizing programs for multicultural membership
  • On-line programs
  • How to recruit, train and evaluate facilitators
  • Marketing your program to clients or other employees
  • Managing your program
  • Continuous improvement
  • Using peer coaching groups to quickly spread learning across the organization
  • Useful forms and resources


Author: McNamara, Carter

Copyright: 2001

Publisher: Authenticity Consulting, LLC